This has been the most difficult journey for me. There were so many points where I felt so destroyed by my own lack of fitness that I was just ready to give up.
It all started when I had baby number 4 back in 2019. During the pregnancy I struggled with low iron and there were many moments where I would just fall asleep without any notice. As someone who struggles to nap and uses bedtime as over thinking time, this was new to me!
After he was born I felt okay for a while but going on a strict diet while breastfeeding lead me to feel very very unwell. I had pains in my feet, swollen joints in my hand, migraines and vision disturbances, muscle pains and absolutely no energy. This made me feel like the worst mum ever as I just wasn't able to keep up with our very busy family life.
Even a short walk would leave me needing to sleep all afternoon!
This wasn't the way I wanted to live so I needed to rebuild myself.
After some research and blood tests I discovered that I had a low B12 deficiency. This massively impacts so much of your bodies ability to function. After starting private treatment with Georgie at the Lumos Clinic I was starting to see improvements but still needed to retrain myself physically.
Adding resistance training, cardio and rest to my personal schedule helped me add back what I had lost. However, I always lacked consistency and hadn't designed myself a program that would ensure my success until this year!
Having a program that I used week in, week out, that worked for my lifestyle and that I enjoyed has seen me gain more strength in 2024 than in my entire fitness career!
And that includes the month I had off for Covid and a Chest Infection!
My programming has made my strength increase to having personal bests for my deadlift (100kg) and back squat (70kg) in just 4 months! I have also managed to train my endurance to prepare me for a 100km walk this may!
All this proves to me that there is nothing that cannot be achieved for you or for me! We just need the right program and the right skills!
Head over to Instagram (@the_barbelle_club) and DM me "Program" if you would like more information on how I can create a program that will change your fitness forever!